🎲 おみくじとは? - What is Omikuji?

🏭 日本の伝統 - Japanese Tradition


Omikuji is a traditional Japanese fortune slip that you can draw at Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples. It is especially popular during New Year's celebrations to predict your fortune for the coming year.

📚 女神様おみくじ - Goddess Omikuji


In addition to traditional omikuji, the Goddess Omikuji offers not only fortune predictions but also gives you a goddess illustration. Here's how it works:


Omikuji provides different levels of fortune, such as:

🤩 超大吉 (Cho Daikichi):⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Super Great Blessing (Super Good Luck)

😊 大吉 (Daikichi):⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Great Blessing (Very Good Luck)

🙂 中吉 (Chu Kichi):⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Medium Blessing (Moderate Luck)

😄 小吉 (Sho Kichi):⭐⭐⭐⭐
Small Blessing (Slight Luck)

😃 吉 (Kichi):⭐⭐⭐
Blessing (Good Luck)

😐 末吉 (Sue Kichi):⭐⭐
End Blessing (Lucky in the End)

😒 凶 (Kyo):⭐
Curse (Bad Luck)

😱 大凶 (Daikyo):
Great Curse (Very Bad Luck)


The main features of the Goddess Omikuji are as follows:

✅1日1回引けます (You can draw it once a day).

(You will get fortunes for four categories: love, health, business, and study, each with its own fortune rank).

(Each category is rated from Kyo (0 points) to Daikichi (5 points), and the total points determine your overall fortune).

(The overall fortune is calculated by summing up the points from all categories).

(In addition, each fortune comes with an illustration of a goddess, adding a special "Goddess Points" to your total score).

(You can view the goddess illustrations you've drawn on your personal page).

(There is a ranking based on the total accumulated points).

✨ 楽しんで! - Enjoy!


Try drawing your Omikuji and see what fate has in store for you!

おみくじを引く - Draw Omikuji